i stole most of these but i made several of them
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the eternal open wound
of a smile,
carved into earth,
could never hope
to mask its agony
though its ear-piercing cry was imperceptible,
its outline, stained red,
told the truth
through your own unease

"how could i not?" he replied, quiet, fighting through brain fog. "the pain you've caused is cried into my ears for all eternity."

"Do you yet know what I have done?" asked the god, its guilty voice barely piercing through his disconnected state.

i tried every color, every shape. but i still can't reach you. i tried every method, every change. but i still can't reach you.

he's finally asleep!
please be quiet!

you woke him up...

Don't worry...
just keep going.

character playlists

music taste playlists

don't worry about it.

don't worry about it.

iron still hangs like a ghost off my skin
with hot melted sight and nothing within
the cavernous shape, a mark of shame;
the final letter of an inescapable name

go home.
you shouldn't be out this late.

don't tell me you're sorry...

stop apologizing
to everyone except the one you hurt.

welcome to the forest,
this is for you.

you can take it...
the trees don't mind.

oh, um...

i'm sorry, but
please don't make me remember.

can we go back?

I've figured it out! The leaves all contain little spirits - tiny consciousnesses that love to be told stories.And if the story makes their little hearts swell... then they'll share their energy with you, an energy that embraces your heart and makes you feel at peace.Nature is alive and aware. it can sense your story, too. So when you walk into the forest and the trees sway in the wind as if greeting you, that's when you know: your story struck a chord.-S